Military Spouse Appreciation Day

Military Spouse Appreciation Day is always the Friday before Mother’s Day and as a Proud Military Spouse I want to say thank you to all the military spouses out there! As a military spouse we have to be strong, resilient multitaskers. We are often asked to act as Mom, Dad, accountant, chauffeur, handy man/woman and source of emotional support, not only for our own families but we also often have to step up and help each other during difficult deployments and such. It takes a special someone to do all of this and stay positive for our family and service member. All too often this is a hard, thankless job but I want you all to know that it is certainly a very important one. So this May 10th have a glass of wine or get a manicure and celebrate the part you take in supporting your service member and our great country.

Thank you, from a fellow military spouse for all you do and have done.


Proud Navy Wife