It’s simple. We send the kids of fallen military to summer camps–anywhere in the United States. We know we can never give them back what they’ve lost, but we can give them love, community, and memories.
Why Camp?
Research from the ACA Youth Outcomes Study shows the way camp can help kids learn independence and create networks of support and validation.
96% Camp helped me make new friends
93% Camp helped me get to know kids who are different from me
92% The people at camp helped me feel good about myself
74% At camp I did things I was afraid to do at first
70% My child gained self-confidence at camp
69% My child remains in contact with friends made at camp
63% My child continues to participate in some of the new activities he or she learned at camp
In addition to all that, we feel that sending them to the camp of their choice allows them to just be a kid. Our campers get to put aside the pressure and stress from losing a parent – for at least a little while.
For the kids, but not just for the kids
We also found that sending kids to camp gives the surviving spouse or guardian a chance to reset themselves as well. Maybe they take a nap, get a moment to catch up with friends, or just let go of needing to play the roles of parent for a bit.
Are you a camp?
You can help out in two ways: by donating a space to us at your camp – which allows us to use our fundraised dollars to send other kids to camps that are unable to donate free space, and by spreading the word about our mission to your communities, so that we can reach more families in need.
Volunteers & Sponsorships
We are always looking for helpers! To volunteer with events or spreading our message please contact us at volunteer@friendsneverforget.org
If you are a company with a big heart, we’d love to work with you. Fund an individual kid, throw an event, or help us with something we’re already doing.
Download our sponsor kit, check out our events page to help with one of our upcoming fundraisers, or contact us via the contact us page, or email us sponsor@friendsneverforget.org